Happy Face Ent was like "Ooh! Ooh! We'll take it!" As soon as I saw the video concept I thought T-ara. The song kinda sounds like a worse version of Lovey Dovey (who knew it could get worse). Honestly I feel like CJEN did Hwayoung a favor by kicking her out of that lame group. She's too talented. I know she's glad she wont have to dumb herself down anymore. Anyways watch this lame video before I continue.
So this is my interpretation of the plot. It starts out with a guy riding his bike, and he comes across this fine girl. He pulls out his best engrish and tries to impress her but falls flat on his face, literally. The town is all good and dandy then all of a sudden this whackness comes in to town in the form of six girls in retro garb. They begin spreading their whackness throughout the city but there's one brave soldier who is determined to get him and his lady away from this whackness. Worried that the whackness might be contagious he grabs his lady and flees.They run in to a mall (Wrong time to take your chick shopping..he's going to have to work on his survival skills.) and there the whack girls are waiting and the zap his girl with the whackness. We'll every man for himself. He abandons her and runs....to the police station? He finds out that he might have caught the whackness, which slows him down and he gets captured and locked up. He digs a tunnel out of his prison, but sadly the tunnel leads him smack dab into the whackness. In the end, the whackness was too strong to fight.
The video was "eeeeeeeeeehhhhmeh" The outfits striped outfits were cute and the black ones were too. Thats all that really stood out in a good way. I'm not really a Dal shabet fan, but I loved Hit U, so I know they can do better than this T-ara rip off.
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